Kamis, 14 November 2013


and I'm at home now..
I was going home for checking up about my ill, I got sickness-,- ughh
I told my father that I was sick and I feel ver bad, then he pick me up.
but, I'm really so happy.. very very very happy
because everyday is sunday from now on.
you know what?! because, stay at the collage when we was sick is really annoyed
how we eat a very no delicious food everyday, how about staying at room everytime and no one there, other person busy with their school -,-
but, that's the point we learn how to survive and stay independent :) and to know who is our real friend hahaha
and I must say thanks so much for all of my roommate especially for ningrat :* and BK too of course, they care too much of me :D
and I fell that I need to take my rest at home because stay at the collage completely busy
you have to wake up about 03'00 o'clock a.m, so get to bathroom and pray. then take a bath. and breakfast. so let's go to the school up to 12.30 a.m
dhuhur pray, and lunch!! and take a rest for maybe short time, very short time. then ashar pray, so take a bath.
and go to the mosque for reciting Qur'an and maghrib pray. so, dinner. and isya pray. then?! we have to go to our classes again for studying up to 10.00 p.m
so, SLEEP !!
and always likevthis everyday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, ........ how do u think?!
yeah it's really good, better and best for me than doing any unimportant thing in my life, but for sure, I wanna take a rest at home and refresh my mind :)
however, I just passed the last classes work like khutbah, resume, imamah, and teacher practicing.
it's really make me feel ugh -tired
but I'm so glad and satisfied for my working :) really enjoy them :)

btw, I dont know what is this post for, of maybe no one cares, no one reads, no one understands!? I don't care at all. I just wanna share my happiness.

but, if u read this post guys, I ask ur invocation for me, hope I get very well soon. amin

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