Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013


I'm absolutely proud being Indonesian, and I'm proud being PMR Indonesia, of course.
for celebrate my school's birthyear, we made a competition for red cross.
it's name RESPECT (Red Cross Competition in Action)
this agenda was followedby more than 10 schools in Bogor Raya...
so, let's say "Happy Birthyear" to my loving school !!!

not only this, any agenda was there here. and see in the next post yaa
babaaaaaay :*

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


Amaliyatu Tadris

gimana caranya menjadi guru yang baik?
selama ini w egk pernah mikir dan nyoba mikir juga gimana rasanya jadi seorang guru.
dan You know ?!
next week I'll be a teacher on Amaliyatu Tadris..
praktek belajar mengajar dengan susunan, tata tertib dan cara yang benar..
dari mulai kita melangkahkan kaki masuk ke kelas, cara mengucapkan salam, cara bersikap dan bertingkah di dalam kelas, cara berbicara dan menjelaskan pelajaran, cara berpakaian, dan cara cara cara lainnya, sampaaai keluar dari kelas.
It will be an amazing day
bukan cuma mengajar yang sekedar memberikan pelajaran tapi juga mendidik yang menuntut kita untuk membuat siswa paham akan apa yang di ajarkan..
gampang-gampang susah kali ya..
dan sekarang, w lagi sibuk buat bikin silabus..
ga segampang yang selama ini kita lihat di kelas, yang (keliatannya0 guru itu sebatas ngajar dan ngerjan soal..
jauh di balik semua itu ternyata, jadi guru butuh perjuangan yang sangat, and I'm fighting now!!

I'll teach mahfudzot lesson on class 3e

welcome :)
semoga akan menjadi kelas yang menyenangkan.. amin


It's highly recomended must read book !!!

and I'm really falling in love with its book
buku karya Felix Shiaw yang bercover pink ini bener2 cocok banget buat para remaja yang saat ini (mungkin) sedang terjangkit virus merah jambu...

buku yang memotivasi, menyadarkan, memperbaiki, mencerahkan, meluruskan, membantu, pokoknya masih banyak me- me- me- lainnya yang pastinya manfaat banget buat kita..
a very awesome book!!
4 jempol buat Felix Shiaw and thanks so much for creating this super book ;)
so, for every teenager in this world, no no no for everyone of course, for sure you should admire with it :)
happy reading !!

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Ied Adha day

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let's say happy Ied Mubarok:)
it's a very time to say "forgive all my mistakes" :D
and I'm really sorry about leaving this web so long time ago,
because you know, that in my dormitory, I only can open the internet on sunday! just sunday!
and I always wait to see my dasbor's blog of course ;)
so, today I just want to share about my Ied Adha day :) it's really amazing, because for sure, next it will not happen again! it's my last Ied Adha in my school. and I'm really happy today !!
I loved my Friends so much also I loved my school. You know what ?! for me, living in the hostel for about 6 years really really amazing !!
and once more time, let's say "HAPPY IED MUBAROK"


Happy Ied Mubarok yea guys !!
So, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin :) Forgive all my mistakes, every details of my fault …
This is my last Ied Adha in my lovely dormitory and this is absolutely the very Ied Adha day :D
My friends and I in my generation (our organization) made an agenda for celebrate our happy day. It’s named SINDIBAD (Super Increadible Celebrate on Ied Adha) and I’m one part of it …
In this case, we made many competation like Fashion Show, Drama, and etc
And this is our event :) grand opening SINDIBAD 

And in the night of Ied Adha day, we got together for going around the village. It’s habitually called by “Tarling” (Takbir Keliling)…
We walk by the straight line and also exclaim Takbir.. in this case, every class of my school should have to delegate some of them to be mascot as their wish ..
It’s really magic !!!
Check them out ;)

see ya :D
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