Jumat, 15 April 2016

Anggota Baru

Hello fellaaaaaas!!

Bingung sebenernya mau nulis apa di blog.. Tapi yg pasti gue lagi bahagia sekaleeee, karna guess what??

Im goin to have a baby .....

What a surprise!

Eh wait, jangan fikir aneh2 ya. I'm married. Gue udah nikah 5 Maret 2016 lalu. Belum sempet nulis blog tentang bahagianya pernikahan kemarin, eh kebahagiaan baru udah dateng lagi. *next gue share pengalaman pernikahannya deh ;)


Jadi gini ceritanya..

Dari jumat tgl 8 april kemarin, gue gabisa tidur. Muter kanan, muter kiri. Tapi tetep aja mata gabisa dimeremin juga. Main hp ga mood. Mau ngemil pun males. Tapi gabisa tidur aja. Sementara husbii (read :  my super duper husband) dengan lelapnya tidur. Entah jam berapa akhirnya tidur juga (walaupun dengan mimpi yg banyak dan ga jelas). Next, sabtu 9 april pun begitu. Gabisa tidur juga! Haduh. Dan malam itu nambah, perutnya rasa gaenak. Entah rasanya gimana, enek-enek gtu pokoknya. Gue fikir mungkin itu maag karna akhir-akhir ini makannya ga teratur. Akhirnya gue ga tidur semaleman dan main kompi sambil ngerjain tugas. Dan si husbii? Tetep nyenyak tidur.
Eh pagi-pagi gue mual-mual hampir muntah gtu. Kayanya ada yg aneh deh.
Akhirnya gue n husbii sepakat beli tespek, karna gue juga udah telat haid.
Daaaaan tsahhhh..


Itu artinya????

Gue dan husbii kaget. Dan bersyukur pastinya. Alhamdulillah.. tapi masih belum 100 persen percaya juga sih. Walaupun udah nanya ke mertua, kaka ipar, juga orang tua (dan mereka bilang itu positif) tapi tetep belum yakin. Dan kita sepakat (lagi) untuk periksa besok. Supaya lebih jelas dan akurat. Sekalian pemeriksaan n pengobatan kandungan lebih lanjut kalau emang positif.

Dan kita ke dokter. Ditemenin sm mama mertua n kaka ipar gue. Deg degan karna ini br pertama kali ke dokter kandungan. Dokternya laki2 pula. Husbii sempet agak risih awalnya karna ga mau ke dokter cowo. Tapi akhirnya setelah musyawarah, mufakat ke dokter ini juga karna (katanya) bagus. Dan kaka ipar juga bilang kalo ga akan diapa2in kok. Hahaha 
Datenglah kita ke dokter, perut gue di usg. Dikasih cairan yg entah apa namanya sm asisten pr dokternya. Sementara dokternya fokus sm monitornya (emang ga diapa2in jg si ternyata :D) and then ... 


My super duper cute baby 

Baru 1.78 cm hehe dan dokter bilang umurnya udah 6minggu. Bhaaaaaak??? Nikahnya aja baru 5minggu?!!!! Kaget banget. Kok bisa ya??! Terus gimana? Mungkin alatnya salah? Ko bisa 6minggu? Kayanya br kemarin nikah? Hedeh bingung.. gue tanya berkali-kali, tapi dokter masih dgn santainya bilang itu 6 minggu. Gue was-was n deg-degan gtu. Huh. Akhirnya dijelasin juga kalau perhitungan kehamilan itu dari awal pertama haid. Legaaa. Hehehe jadi sekarang umurnya udah 6 minggu.

Pokoknya bersyukur banget atas kedatangan calon baby di perut ini :D Milyaran doa terbang ke langit. Doa baik baik dan terbaik.. 
Alhamdulillah.. Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam.. 

*sebenernya masih pengen cerita, tapi lg mual2 nih :D 

See ya!!! Doakan aku n keluarga yaaa hehe

Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

Welcome 2016!

Hollaaa guys!
Long time no see.
Glad to see u again :)
It's 2016! Many things have changed. And no exception, Me! Growing old, new beginning, new hope.
And ofcourse I would like to say thanks so much for all the memories, affection, love and everything about 2015.
Yeah, I know it's february 2016 but I think it's not too late to say happy new year and make a new hope.
Yep, as u all know. For the past 2 years, I've ignored this blog. Busy wd collaguing, wd my unimportant activity, busy wd I dont-(even)know-what. And I just realize that I miss u already!!!! I miss my stuff, kompi, software, surfing, editing. Yep, I miss 'em.
And yeah, (u know) after my parents declining my proposal to catch my own way, I've tried to refuse my world. Forgetting my passion, my obsession, leaving my way and taking another way. But it doesn't help much. However, now I wanna go back. I miss 'em!
Forget all of that!
It's just unimportant story of my life. Lol
And here we go....

Yesterday -I forget when it is obviously- I went to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) or Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park. With only 10idk, you can travel all over Indonesia,  Indonesia Mini! It is located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. Yiu can visit many places there and add ur photo collection as well. There is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it, Indonesian pavilions, cable cars, Keong Emas Imax cinema, etc. And guess what? TMII is the one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city!! Cekidot..

Hope u guys like it
And see u in the next post!!

Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Descriptive Paragraph

Alibaba Restaurant is the most comfortable Arabian restaurant in Indonesia. It is comfortable for the athmosphere which is similar to Saudi Arabia restaurant. The restaurant is tricked like the house of arabian-ancient-home. It is made with red bricks and stack of rocks. Before entering the restaurant, the waiter and waitress are standing in front of the door, smiling and going to accompany the customers to inside the restaurant. When entering the restaurant, the customers will be exited with the wall which is filled with the painting of civilization of Arabic. Besides the painting, there are many kind of calligraphy on the wall. Then, the customers will be offered with three places to eat. The first place in the right side is a cottage style which is made as a cross legged place with the square pillow for sitting. The second is a dining room style. It is in the left side of house. The dining room style uses the huge chair like king chair and the super-big-round candle on the dining table. And the most special is the third place. It is the family room style which is set like really homey with the sofa and round pillow. The family room is in the center of room. After that, the waiter and waitress give the Arabian menu. And then the waitress come to deliver the food. It is really surprised to see the waitress who comes, wears black robe and cadar. The waitress says hi with the arabic language. She is very friendly. While eating the food, the arabic music like some nasyid and qasidah songs are played. After finishing eat, The customers will be given some lovely souvenir. The souvenir is a mug with arabic calligraphy. Those special things made Alibaba Restaurant becomes the most comfortable Arabian restaurant in Indonesia. 

Selasa, 03 November 2015

What is opinion?

Opinion is a tought, belief, judgement, viewpoint, or statement about something/someone or matters that commonly considered to be subjective. Not necessarily based on knowledge and fact. 

Opinions are subjective, that is what we think, but could be wrong. It is personal view. Different from argumentative which must be reasoned, logical ideas and give evidence-based. Arguments are objective. Argumentative is trying to persuade the reader of a spesific point of view. 

Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Minion (papoy)

Minion is the most unique character in the cartoon world. It is called unique for its yellow body which is 
similar to capsul. The capsul doesn’t have any hair, nose, or even ear. Moreover, the minion always 
comes together with another minions which look like a ton of yellow walking capsul. And the most 
unique thing of minion is it has funny sounds like papoy-papoy-papoy. Therefore, those made the 
people interested to watch it.  

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Pronoun Practice

Hello guys! Glad to see u dears
I have some assigntment from my lecturer to make a video about pronounciation for making sure that I’ve understood about ‘pronoun practice’ lesson.
Oyeah, as we know, there were differesnt pronounciation between Englis UK and US.
And here, I use Oxford dictionary as my guidance.
Hopefully, it can be benefit for you especially for me  aamiin
Enjoy the video !
(don’t forget to join and subscribe!) thank you

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

Kota Tua

today. at kotu (Kota Tua), Jakarta, Indonesia.
I have some assigntment from my lecturer to interview a native speaker. and finally after looking for places which nice to visit, so we choose Kota Tua to be our vacationland.
besides it is an easy place to reach, we don't need much money to go there. and the most important, many tourist here (that this is the first intention for us)
moreover, Kota Tua is one of the historic place. and we would find much knowledge from it. we could visit many museums, buy inexpensive goods, and take many pictures ofcourse (It's the important one :D)
altough the weather is so hot (absolutely you know Jakarta) but it's a good place...
here are our pictures :)

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